Earn from sales and implementations of the Qguar WMS

We offer two partnership models:

trade partnership

For companies that want to build a competitive advantage by selling our products.

implementation partnership

For companies that want to both sell and implement our solutions.

Each Partner can develop in both models or only in one of them.

Under both models we propose 4 levels differing in the scope of cooperation:

Qguar WMS

Qguar WMS Pro is a system designed to support warehousing processes in company-owned warehouses or warehouses that rent storage space. The system takes advantage of state-of-the-art solutions in the domains of IT and logistics techniques. With its ability to cooperate with numerous modern external devices, the product undoubtedly belongs to the leading solutions that reach the highest level in the world.

Qguar WMS Pro has built-in modules for managing dangerous goods, settling accounts of logistics operations and the optimization of forklift truck operation. The standard version of WMS Pro also offers graphical indicators and a module for configuring interfaces to external systems. The system is ready to work with RFID and Voice technologies.

Why is it worth it?

Quantum Academy

We make our know-how available: we provide a Starter Package, professional training and a Partner Channel knowledge base.

Support and safety

We support Partners 24/7/365 with marketing and sales processes, implementation and service.

Success with clear rules

Our Partners follow a clear path of development, which allows them to successively increase their profits.

Quantum Qguar in numbers

years of experience
completed projects
continents with our customers

What do our partners say about us?

Let's talk about cooperation opportunities!

Would you like to know more? Fill in the form and we will contact you:

Partner survey


Contact details

The company under the style of Quantum Qguar sp. z o.o. (hereinafter "Quantum") with the registered offices in Kraków at the address: ul. Walerego Sławka 3a, 30 - 633 Kraków, Poland, is the administrator of personal data.

I have been informed about the right to demand access to my data, to modify and delete them and to limit the scope of their processing. The Administrator processes data in compliance with the Privacy Policy.